Wednesday 29 September 2010

My Poster..Any advice?

Thoughts on Poster

I am going to design my poster as an A3 dimension.  As I have chosen my colour scheme this will be visible throughout my poster followed by recovery actions.  To make my poster more professional and have other features rather than the obvious, I am going to add a quirky title and have a collage of drugs displayed along the side of my poster.  Once this draft is complete, I will post it on my blog. Feel free to comment.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Colour Scheme.

I'm thinking of using Grey, Yellow and Black.  Doing a little research, these colours have stood out to me in regards to WARNING individuals.

Bits and Bobs

Some quotes I have come up with...

"All good things come to an end"
"A night you will never forget"
"Don't let this your Last"
"Come to the end of the line?"
"Finish your night..not your Life"
"Is this Blast your Last?"

If someone is overdosing, symptoms may look like this:

  • May be awake, but unable to talk
  • Body is very limp
  • Face is very pale or clammy
  • Fingernails and lips turn blue or purple
  • Breathing is very slow and shallow, erratic, or has stopped
  • Pulse (heartbeat) is slow, erratic, or not there at all
  • Choking sounds, or a gurgling noise
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Unresponsive to outside stimulus

  • Pressure, tightness or pain in chest
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Headache, ringing in the ears, dizziness
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Profuse sweating, or failure to sweat
  • Racing pulse
  • Grossly enlarged pupils
  • Muscle cramps
  • Inability to urinate
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Shaking, or seizures
  • Loss of Consciousness


Now its time for some serious designing! on the agenda:

- Drink Coaster: Possible logo or catchy image at the front to grab the eye of boozers, and signs/symptoms of drug overdosing.

- Poster: Being displayed at the back of cubicle doors, this poster will again have a logo/image and steps to take if you are at a scene were an individual has taken an overdose.

- Leaflet: As this leaflet will be displayed around bars/clubs and other venues like the University campus, I want the leaflet to hold all necessary information for students to look at when they are sober.

These designs will build up my campaign based on drug overdose.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Some useful sites that is helping me think of what content to put into my design

 URL's below give information on drinks being spiked:

URL's below give information on drug overdose:

Anti-Drug Campaign

Continuing on with research today to help blossom my design ideas for my poster, I have come across some interesting posters online in relation to Anti-Drug Campaigns.  As you can see, the posters are only reminders...where are the dangers or actions to help those in difficulty.  I am thinking my poster with action guidance will be very unique as I cant seem to come across any!

What next? What information will be involved on my poster and little drink coasters

Wednesday 22 September 2010


To show my design development and concepts for Monday, I have research gathered, some leaflets and my bright ideas to be displayed on some A3 paper!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

NHS Choices

Information on the NHS website is going to help me alot when putting informative data onto my poster design.  There are various links within the website that gives detailed information on drug and alcohol awareness.

It is now time to research steps that would be required to take if you see an individual with these symptoms and how this can be displayed on my illustration without being to cluttered.

Here are some articles that I have came across in relation to date rape

Date Rape in Derry
"I've since heard another girl who was in the same bar had the same experience and she was left unconscious."  - 22 March 2010

Rape crisis Centre seeking volunteers - 26th July 2010


Campaign over drinks being spiked  -  13 December 2003


If there are posters visible through out bars, they always show "Drug Awareness" "Drink Awareness" "Stay Safe" - These may be reminders, but they never actually tell you the consequences or what to do if someone is in difficulty therefore, my poster will be original and apply to the challenge given for this design project.

I want my poster to be easy to read and fully understandable for those who have to carry out actions on patients who have overdosed (yep, I have choosen to go with this topic) on a night out, due to taking drugs, and too much!!  On my poster there will be visible instructions and perhaps illustraion help on how to assist the patient until the paramedic arrives.

Youtube Clip...

My new idea ...

Looking at the posters I have just posted up, they can be a reminder to individuals on a night out to "stay safe" or to "watch your drink", what happens if individuals turn a blind eye and have their drink spiked?? Who is there to help if there is no information or a step-to-step guide for individuals who find these patients.

for my 2D illustration I am going to design a poster for cubicles within a business (clubs).  Whether to do it on an individuals drink being spiked, or an individual who has overdosed I am not sure yet.

Within my research and design development, I have gathered some brochures and leaflets to put into my A3 sketch pad about drugs and drink.

Design Development
I am going to have several pages that involve research and design development.  Keeping in mind, this challenge is to help patients until paramedics arrive.  I am going to design Drink Coasters that are displayed on tables within the club/bar that give information on "Symptoms and Signs" of individuals who have been spiked/have taken an overdose. Short and Sweet.

My Poster
As there are no..ZERO...0...posters out there for a guide to help individuals whilst on a night out, I am going to design a poster that will help patients whilst the paramedics are on route.  With the symptoms and signs on drink coasters the poster will give information on what to do with the patient.

Posters you see in bars behind the doors in cubicle toilets

"Thinking outside the box"

Today had got me thinking more along the lines of my own age group.  Although patients can suffer from an illness at any age, I wanted to think outside the box on what to create a leaflet on.  Thinking about how much us students love the nightlife, there are times when you would notice paramedics and ambulances outside nightclubs around the town - there for individuals who have maybe drank to much, their drinks have been spiked, or for individuals who have been taking drugs and have overdosed!

I have been up around the town today and took the opportunity to call into bars and ask if they have any leaflets, coasters, posters or information on what to do if you were to find someone lying maybe overdosed or an individual who has had their drink spiked.  it had SHOCKED me that there was no information anywhere and that this can be an ongoing problem out at night!!


As there are no recovery methods to take on a renal patient, this idea had kind of thrown me of track as you have to provide a step to step guide on what to do if a patient comes into difficulty - this would not be the case for renal patients as you just have to phone for medical assistance

Lets get thinking!

Illness within my home...

Thinking more into what I wanted my leaflet to contain and baring in mind what the paramedic had spoke about in yesterdays class, I started thinking of my mothers illness.

Little Info:
My mother is a Renal patient.  Many years ago my mother had a kidney transplant, as my mother has a very low immune system you always have to watch out for any signs or symptoms that she may have that could lead to an infection. Always better to be on the safe side! :-)

Anyways...The paramedic had said that when calls are made from individuals to have details on the patients name, phone number, directions and address to home and perscribed medication.

The idea I had for my leaflet was basically to have signs or symptoms to look out for  - In my mothers case, Light head/headaches, shivery, high temperature/very high temperature that may lead to minor hallucinations, then the kidney infection signs on one page, then on the other a blank table where an individual can write the list of persriptions that the patient has been issued to take..Also information on how to make calls or contact paramedics.

Paramedic Assist.

For this project, I am going to focus on the 2D illustration/Graphic Design.  My beginning ideas were to base a leaflet on patients with illnesses for home use and how to perform any recovery methods.

Many patients had sprung to mind, such as those who have had strokes, asthma attacks, accidents, diabetes, epilepsy, heart attacks etc...