Saturday 23 October 2010

My own Photography

In order for me to develop my designs, I took the opportunity of gathering my own photographs.  I want my "Water is Life" poster to be fun and quirky for the younger generation.  I had taken a photos of my little cousin, with nice landscape views of Derry and the sky to make the background effect I have in mind.

I have picked a few photographs that I feel have turned out best.  With this selection, I will develop a background for my final poster.  Through the use of Photoshop my skills shall make the photography more effective and appropriate for my quirky poster.

These are photographs I had taken of my little cousin, it was so much fun! Getting a little toddler to stand and pose isn't as easy as I had thought (bribing with sweets was the easy part)!!  These pictures will be visible through the design development which will progress on to the final poster.

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