Thursday 18 November 2010

Photograph Structure.

Here are photographs I have come across when doing my research based on each memory.  These photographs will be visible throughout the moving image I will produce.  I feel that with the use of images it can make my video more interesting to look at and will hold the attention of viewers.  As myself and sister have been talking through each memory via video clip, after each photographs will be used in relation to each story.

The photograph to the left is a cut out from a newspaper.: Angela is Mum in a Million, (20th June 1987), Derry Journal.

Having come across this article, I want to import it onto my video clip at the beginning.  This will come after the small introduction to engage the viewers.

Info:  My mother had a kidney transplant just shortly before she fell pregnant with me and my sister.  As my mother is a renal patient she was told that she would never have children.  To a suprise, not only was she pregnant with one baby, she was pregnant with two - the joys!!  With my mother falling pregnant there was huge publicity as she was the first Northern Ireland kidney transplant recipient to have twins.

The photographs to the right will be used after the introduction.  I have selectedthese two photographs to be put into the moving image as I find them very funny. How fashion has changed........

This newspaper cut out is from Play school.  As there is a story within my video clip talking about the "Green Dress" in primary school, the image above shows me and my teacher at play school.

The next section within the moving image is when myelf and sister are in Primary 1.  The title for this story is "April Fools", a story about myself, Catriona and granda.  The Image to the left shows me in primary school and the right is me, Catriona and my granda.

The images above represent the "School Choir" story.  These will follow the story of Catriona and myself auditioning for the school choir in Primary 3.

These photographs are of myself, sister and cousins at my old home celebrating "Millennium", this was a fond memory for me as I was with my cousins having a party that we did not really understand what it was for.  Again, these photographs will follow a video clip.

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