Thursday 18 November 2010

Drawings from sketch pad.

For Pro:Three, there is a minimum of 10 pages to be designed in our sketch pads.  As the content is to show stage development and storyboards, I have began sketching my development stages and what will be involved throughout my moving image.

Page 1 - Introducing the "Early Memory":
As the concept of this project was to be on anything, I have decided to base the "Earliest Memory" on myself and twin sister.  As there was an option of the editorial design, movie clip or animation, I have decided to go with designing the moving image.

Page 2 - "Emotions":
As there are endless memories of growing up from whatever age you may be.  When thinking of what memories to include in my moving image, I wanted to show a range of emotions within the story.  Although the interview clips are not at all emotional, keywords are expressed throughout each story explaining how myself and sister felt at the time.

Page 3- "My Memories - Will tell the tale...":
On this sketch, there is memory one, two and three.  Along with the small stories, I have created a title for each indicating what each story is going to be based on.

Page 4- "My Memories - Will tell the tale...":
On this sketch, there is memory four, five, six and seven.  Along with the small stories, I have created a title for each indicating what each story is going to be based on.

Page 5 - "Time Line" -
On my sketch pad, I have also cut out photographs of me and my twin sister to show the variety of photographs I will be using.  As Pro:Three is based on "Earliest Memory", I have included photographs of when me and my sister were born, one years old, three, at play school and primary school.  Not all the photographs can be used on the moving image due to the time limit therefore they have been put into my sketch pad.

Page 6 - "Moving Image Content":
This page is basically indicating what is going to by visible on my moving image.  As Interview clips, photographs and typography is the main focus, a small paragraph has been included under each section.

Page 7 - "Storyboarding":
This Page is showing the structure in which my storyboards will be laid out.  As I want my moving image to be professional, I want the structure to be continuous throughout each section. 

Page 8 - "Storyboard Structure"-
The structure will involve:
Interview Title --->  Interview Clip --->  Photographs

The Interview title will give viewers an idea of what each story is going to be about, the Interview clip will enlighten viewers with the memory and the photographs will be evident to what the memory was based on.

Page 9 - "Story Board" -
This page consists of the first half of the video.  The story board shows each section within the video and what exactly will be shown when each slide is played within the moving image.  As I wanted the video to be consistent, you will see a pattern forming from looking at each slide which includes the memory title, the interview clip and photographs to show each memory.

Page 10 - "Story Board" -
This is the second half of the video.  A total of five memories are being told between myself and twin sister in the video.  Throughout the storyboard, each memory is visible through the use of photographs, interview clips and the memory title.

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